Cost of Concrete Per Cubic Meter

Cost of Concrete Per Cubic Meter

Concrete work in a project usually holds the maximum in terms of overall cost and work quantity. It becomes an important step to calculate the concrete-related costs while preparing a project estimate.

The cost of concrete making depends upon the cost of materials, mix design, workforce, and machinery. You will be looking for what is cost of concrete per cubic meter for the construction of a house or building.

Cost of Concrete Per Cubic Meter
Cost of Concrete Work

In this, we calculate the cost of 1 cubic meter of concrete and other expenses that occur in the preparation of concrete.

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Following factors influence the cost of concrete work per cubic meter in construction;

1. Material Costs

Costs of materials and supplies and the associated transportation charges affect the cost of any concrete construction project.

2. Labor Rates

The local market labor wages or rate per day specified by the state affect the expenditure of a project.

3. Site Conditions

The site condition and location of construction affect the cost of the project and concrete. Low and poor soil quality, wetlands, contamination, utility, environmental, and traffic issues are a few examples in this category.

4. Schedule

If the project duration is too short for the type of work and activities involved, then project costs will be on the higher side. This is true for projects with a significant liquidated damage clause in their contracts.

5. Contingency

An accidental amount contingency fund of about 10 % of the total expenditure is generally set aside by contractors to cover unforeseen costs.

However, market changes and scarcity of materials and supplies might require a higher contingency of the range of 15-20%. contingency added largely affects the cost of concrete work on the construction site.

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To calculate the 1 cubic meter concrete rate, Let’s consider the concrete mix of M 20 (1:1.5:3), where, 1 is the part of cement, 1.5 is the part of fine aggregates and 3 is the part of coarse aggregates having a size of 20mm. The water-cement ratio adopted for the mixing concrete is 0.45.

1 Cubic Metre of Concrete

1. Assumptions

  • Bulk Density:
  1. Cement = 1500 kg/m3
  2. Sand = 1700 kg/m3
  3. Coarse aggregates = 1650 kg/m3

2. Materials Calculation For 1 m3 Concrete

Dry volume = Wet Volume X 1.52

Volume of Cement = (Dry volume X Cement ratio)/ Sum of ratio

Volume of Cement = (1 X 1.52)/(1+1.5+3)
= 1. 52/5.5

= 0.28m3

Weight of the cement = 0.28 X 1500

= 420 kg.

Volume of Sand = (1.5 X 1.54)/(1+1.5+3)
= 2.31/5.5
= 0.42m3
Weight of the Sand = 0.42 X 1700
= 714 kg.

Volume of Course Aggregate= (3 X 1.54)/(1+1.5+3)
= 4.62/5.5
= 0.84m3

Mass of the Course Aggregate = 0.84 X 1650
= 1386 kg.

3. Cost Calculation

Cost of cement for 1 m3 =
No of Bags = 420/50
=8.4 Bags

As per the present market rate, the cost of 1 bag of cement is taken as Rs: 330
= 8.4 X 430
= 3612 Rs

Cost of sand for 1 m3 =
As per the present market rate, the cost of 1 m3 of sand is taken as Rs: 1200
= 0.42 X 1200
= 504 Rs

Cost of course aggregate for 1 m3 =
As per the present market rate, the cost of 1m3 of course aggregate is taken as Rs.1500
= 0.84 X 1500
= 1260 Rs

Therefore, the total cost for 1m3 of M – 20 concrete is
=Cost of cement + sand + coarse aggregate
= 2772 + 504 + 1260 = 4536 Rs.
Say Rs 4500 Rs. or 60 Dollars

Therefore, the Cost of Concrete Work per sq. ft. is 4500 for 1 m3 of concrete volume.

Hence, 1m3 concrete is around 4500 Rs. or 60 Dollars

We can also calculate 1 cft concrete price from 1 m3 concrete price,

We know that 1 m3 is equal to 35.3147 cft.

So, 4500/35.3147 = 127.42 Says 128 Rs. per Cft

Therefore, 1 cft concrete price is 128 Rs. per Cft or 1.70 Dollars Per Cft, and 1 cubic meter concrete cost is 4500 Rs. or 60 Dollars

Read More: How Many Bags of Concrete Do I Need For 10×10 Slab

The above-estimated cost is just for the raw materials of concrete. The complete cost of concreting work also includes the cost of mixing, transporting, compaction equipment, reinforcement, formwork, and labor charges

1. Mixing

The cost of transportation of materials into the mixer and the mixer charges are added to the concrete.

2. Transportation

The properly mixed concrete is transported to the concreting location with the help of machines and laborers. If ready mix concrete is used then its cost is inclusive of transportation cost.

Transportation of concrete in mixer

3. Compaction

The machinery like vibration used for compaction of Concrete and other tools also added up to the total cost of concrete.

Compaction of concrete

4. Reinforcement

For reinforced concrete work, the cost of steel and labor charges for the cutting and tieing of rebars are also calculated and added to the concrete works.

5. FormWork or Shuttering

Concreting work in beams, columns, or slabs, the formwork required to hold the concrete is also added.

Formwork for concrete

6. Skilled Labour

The Labour force required to mix, transport, place, compact, and finish the concrete is added to the concreting work cost.


What is the labor cost for concrete work?

The Labour cost for concrete work is around 70 to 75 Rs per cft (cubic foot) or 2500 to 2650 Rs per cubic meter (m3). The Labour Cost for PCC concrete is around 30 to 35 Rs per sq ft (square foot) or 320 to 400 Rs per cubic meter (m3).

What Is 1 cft concrete price?

The 1 cft concrete price is 128 Rs or 1.70 Dollars and 1 cubic meter concrete cost is 4500 Rs. or 60 Dollars

How much does it cost to pour a 20 x 20 concrete slab?

Approximately $2,400.
To proceed with the concrete work of poring a 20 x 20 concrete slab it will cost around $2,400 or more. The height of the concrete slab is the flexible factor here on which the cost may vary from project to project.

Is concrete work Expensive?

Before understanding the expensiveness of concrete it is necessary to talk about its importance in construction. Apart from its cost, it is one of the most important things in construction. Hence being important it has to be given higher accuracy which requires skilled laborers and hence making it expensive in the working sense.

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