Building Materials MCQ

181. Pick up the metal refractory from the following:

A. Molybdenum

B. Tungsten

C. Zirconium

D. All of these

182. With storage, the strength of cement

A. Increases

B. Decreases

C. Remains thesame

D. None to these

B. Decreases

183. The commonly used raw material in the manufacture of cement is

A. Slate

B. Sandstone

C. Limestone

D. Basalt

C. Limestone

183. The rocks formed from molten magma, are called

A. Sedimentary rocks

B. Igneousrocks

C. Metamorphic rocks

D. None of these

B. Igneousrocks

184. Bitumen paints offer

A. Pleasingsurface

B. Hardsurface

C. Smooth surface

D.Protective surface

D.Protective surface

185. Groundglass

A. Is made by grinding its one side

B. Is made by melting powdered glass paintssurface

C. Is used for getting light withouttransparency

D. All the above

D. All the above

186. The wedging is adopted for quarrying costly stratified rock such as

A. Laterite

B. Marble

C. Limestone

D. All the above

D. All the above

187. The colour of statuary marble used for sculptor’s work, is

A. Red

B. Blue

C. White

D. Green

C. White

188. Porcelain is used as:

A. Sanitary wares

B. Electric insulators

C. Storage vessels

D. Reactor chambers

D. Reactor chambers


189. A volatile substance added to a paint to make its application easy and smooth, is known as

A. Base

B. Solvent

C. Vehicle

D. None to these

B. Solvent

190. A jumper is a tool used for

A. Testing of stones

B. Quarrying of stones

C. Dressing of stones

D. None of the above

B. Quarrying of stones

A. 50%

B. 40%

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