This Road Roller is essential equipment for road construction, it causes materials like gravel, dirt, and asphalt to become uniformly compressed and level, and it is called a Roller compactor. Generally, road rollers have one metal drum and are comprised of a roller body, sometimes a road roller may have two or three drums, depending on the project.
There are different types of rollers used for the compaction and filing of large-scale engineering projects, like airport runways, dams, railways, Metro Projects, Highways, and other heavy construction fields.
Read More: 30 Type of Construction Equipment | Construction Equipment
Types of Rollers
The following types of rollers are mostly used for road construction,
- Grip Rollers
- Cylindrical Rollers
- Sheep Foot Roller
- Pneumatic Tired Rollers
- Vibratory Rollers
- Sheep foot Rollers
1. Grid Rollers
This Grid Road Roller consists of a Cylindrical surface and is made up of a network of heavy steel bars that form a mesh with square gaps. This arrangement can be ballasted with steel attachments or concrete blocks for better compacting efficiency.
These grid road rollers are used for the compaction of well-graded coarse soil and weathered rocks.
2. Cylindrical Rollers
These cylindrical types of road rollers are mostly used for small developments such as yard projects and are powered by an engine.
Mostly the road rollers have the conventional cylinder drum and either single drum rollers or two drum rollers, depending on the design.
This cylindrical roller is usually used for consolidating stone or similar material into flat ground, also it works well when using surface dressing for creating a flatter and even smooth surface.
3. Sheep Foot Rollers
This Sheep foot Roller is also known as a tamping roller and it has multiple numbers of rectangular-shaped lugs or feet on it and it is good for compacting soil and silly clay during road construction.
The Weight of the sheep foot drum can be increased by ballasting it with water, damp sand, or fastening steel parts to it, making compacting more efficient.
These Road Rollers are used on wet clay or other fine-grained soil at great depths, you can use a pneumatic roller to finish off sections that sheep foot rollers have compacted.
4. Vibratory Rollers
This vibratory roller is comprised of two smooth drums along with vibration, one set of drums is placed at the front side and another one is on the back side of the vibratory roller.
Both drums have an equivalent diameter, length, and weight; also improves the efficiency of the vibratory roller.
5. Pneumatic Tired Rollers
As the name suggests compressed pneumatic tire rollers are used air for creating the required inflation pressure and the correct pressure is determined by the contact area and the inflation pressure.
The Pneumatic roller is generally made of 9 to 11 wheels mounted on two axles and fitted with pneumatic tires which provide complete coverage with each roller pass.
These road rollers come in a variety of load capacities and the roller’s gross mass ranges from 5 to 200 Mg, Rollers have a mass greater than 50 Mg on the other hand.
(6) Smooth Wheel Rollers
This smooth wheel roller is also known as Static Rollers and is commonly used for general construction uses. This Smooth Wheel Roller is further divided into two categories namely Single Drum Rollers and Double Drum Rollers.
This single drum roller is enough to work in tight spaces because they are smaller in size and it can easily turn than double rollers.
The Double drum rollers are known as tandem rollers and they feature two steel drums, one in the front and the other one in the back. The double drum roller is heavier than single drum rollers so they are expensive as compared to single drums.
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Advantages of Rollers
The following are the advantages of using Rollers,
- This roller equipment is easy to operate.
- The Roller is safe to use.
- The road roller gives a level and compact surface for construction.
- The roller is suitable for handling the requirement of the entire project.
Disadvantages of Rollers
The following are the disadvantages of using rollers:
- The roller construction equipment is expensive.
- The Roller pollutes the surrounding Environment.
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