A Gabion Wall is a type of retaining wall that is constructed by stacked stone filled with gabions fixed together with wire. Gabion retaining walls are generally battered (angled back towards the slope), or stepped back with the ground on the slope, rather than stacked vertically.
The Gabion Word comes from an Old Italian word “Gabion” that word means Big Cage. A gabion wall is a type of gabion structure. Around 7000 years ago, the gabion-style structure was used for protecting the bank of the river Nile.
Gabion wall construction is done for the landscape and it is used for thousands of years as a gravity-type retaining wall and making an attractive structure, efficient and cheap wall system.
Gabion Wall Construction
Gabion Walls are mainly constructed for soil stabilization purpose behind the wall and sometimes it is executed as a cover wall. Gabion walls are constructed according to the height of the wall and it’s arranged with gabion baskets which are joint or placed in one or more rows.
These gabion basket walls have a cage-like shape that can be closed on all sides and the basket is made from galvanized hexagonal meshes the gabion is made from broken stones means these broken stones are filled inside the basket.
The Gabion Retaining Wall structures are made of a group of gabion baskets that also protect against erosion. Generally, the dimension of gabion baskets is 2x1x1 m and galvanized mesh dimension has 8×10 cm and its mesh has a hexagonal shape with eye size.
Then all baskets are placed and attached with the galvanized mesh wire to prevent the deformation underweight of upper gabion walls or rows.
Broken stones are used as a filler material inside the basket and placed with the help of a machine and hand. Then after completely filling that basket was closed and attached with galvanized steel ring.
The first layer of the gabion basket retaining wall is placed above the foundation and that layer is made up of concrete or stone as per the requirement of the project.
The second layer of the wall is placed in a way that is moved from the outer edge toward the backside a certain distance.
After finishing the basket work, the remaining space behind the basket is filled up with suitable material up to the height of the upper or second layer of the gabion wall. On the Backside of the gabion, wall geotextile is placed fine particles of stone material.
Application of Gabion Wall
- Gabion Wall is used for retaining walls.
- The gabion retaining wall is used for canal twining and River.
- Gabion basket wall is protecting the roadway and bridge.
- It is used for hydraulic structures, Culverts, and dams.
- It is used for coastal embankment works.
- Gabion basket wall is protecting the rockfall and soil erosion protection.
- It is used for the cladding of walls and buildings.
- Gabion retaining wall is used for walls, noise, and environmental barriers.
Benefits of Gabion Walls
For Enhancing Aesthetic Look: Gabion retaining walls are made from natural materials and it fits with the environment also give a natural look.
Compatibility with the Surrounding Environment: The Material of Gabion basket walls is easy to acquire near the site so which reduces the transportation cost.
Permeability of water: Gabion retaining walls is having good permeability so that they do not damage the passing water. basket retaining walls are strengthening the exit structure.
These walls are more longevity: Gabion basket retaining wall is made from stones or broken stones so that it is more stable, durable, and longevity in nature.
Advantages Of Gabion Wall
- Gabion retaining wall is more durable as compared to any other soil and stabilizes the structure.
- A gabion wall is more flexible. So that easy to change the height and width of the wall.
- Gabion basket wall is more permeable.
- The viability of the material is easy.
- The construction cost of the gabion basket wall is high but it is cost-effective.
- It is ecologically sound.
- The strength of the gabion wall is high.
Disadvantages OF Gabion Wall
- The habitat value of the gabion wall is low.
- The installation process of the wall is very difficult.
- In Gabion, wire baskets may be subjected to wear and tear due to abrasion of wire.
- Difficult to install required tools and equipment.
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